We are located in beautiful Balboa Park in San Diego. We will be open to the public Saturdays and Sundays from 12 to 4 PM when it is safe for our volunteers.
If you would like to join the House of Sweden, you can fill out a membership application.
Upcoming EventsHouse of Sweden temporarily closedThe International cottages have been closed Saturdays and Sundays because of Covid-19 until further notice. We will re-open when the House of Pacific Relations decides it is safe for our volunteers to start serving again.Member meeting January 9 postponed until further notice.Because of the Omicron outbreak of Covid-19 in San Diego, the board decided to postpone the January meeting until it is safe to reopen. We may have a zoom meeting in the interim.
We wish you a very happy 2022. Stay healthy. Letters from SwedenSince Calle and Ingrid have moved to Sweden, they have been sending us news of their adventures. You can read them here. Updated 4/8/21
Pictures from 2021 MidsummerMidsummer June 20, 2021
You can renew your